IDRISI CULTURA E SVILUPPO ETS - Via Villa Heloise 21, 90143, Palermo (Italy) - C.F. 97349100822

BUCOLICO Newsletter July 2021

Almost a year has passed since the beginning of our project Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology BUCOLICO, a Key Action 204 Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult Education co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. BUCOLICO aim is to engineer an adult education prototype, mainly composed by a set of digital and entrepreneurial skills, specifically for young and mature adults living in socially and geographically marginal rural areas across the EU, with a focus on NEETs.

The Strategic Partnership is composed by Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo (Italy, Lead), Internet Web Solutions (Spain), Innovation Frontiers (Greece), Asturia vzw (Belgium) and Fundacja Ad Meritum (Poland). Over the course of this year, despite the covid19 pandemic, we have consolidated the partnership, presenting BUCOLICO to the public and to numerous public and private stakeholders in Italy, Spain, Belgium, Greece and Poland.

This preliminary dissemination activity was useful in order to lay the foundations of the project, producing in the end an easy-to-use database that identifies the main public and private realities active in our territory in the field of adult education and training, with attention to the phenomenon of Drop Out, NEETs, at work for the promotion of entrepreneurial mindsets and initiatives in EU rural areas.

BUCOLICO Newsletter July 2021


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