Addressing disability representation in EFL textbooks used in Hungarian public education
Detailed article based on Hungarian public education but easily applicable elsewhere. Textbooks and dis-ability, with specific measures and realistic approaches (in English), by Nikoletta Gulya, Anikó Fehérvári
Educators and Youth Workers Supporting LGBTQ+ Young People (online course, best practice)
Completely free course on LGBTIQ+ inclusion in the classroom, by BelongTo LGBTIQ+ Youth Ireland
Intersectionality Guide
An introductory guide on intersectionality, including terms, strategies and recommendationsDetailed article based on Hungarian public education but easily applicable elsewhere. Textbooks and dis-ability, with specific measures and realistic approaches (in English), by Carlow College
Proposta di regolamento scolastico per la carriera Alias
Practical guide and recommendation on how to adopt the “Alias Career” within the schools or other educational institutions – allowing people to change their names, prononuns, “formally”, in any school-related document, by Genderlens APS
Policy Recommendation, Streets Aligned Project
Kit of practical recommendation, with various examples, addressing gender equality and LGBTIQ+ Inclusion in education, by Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo ETS, CIG NORA
Learning from ‘Child A’ Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review: Adultification and Intersectionality
A webinar on children’s perspectives, specifically linked to trauma. Although focused on social aspects and safeguarding, its core meaning can be adapted to early childhood studies and primary education’s staff, by Birmingham safeguarding children partnership
A toolkit which includes practical measurement tools, case studies, practical examples on intersectionality, by UNPRPD – UNWOMEN
I 7 punti chiave Erickson per una didattica inclusiva
A webinar on schooling pedagogy, related to the topic “how to build up a truly inclusive curriculum and classroom”, in Italian, with subtitles (Youtube), by Erickson
La classe inclusiva: comunità di relazione e apprendimento (in Italian)
A brief curriculum on the TA.CO.CA methodology, by Luciano Rondanini
The assessment of students with disabilities in secondary school
A set of measurement and assessment tools for teachers and dis-abled students, with an in-depth, theoretical and methodological analysis (in Italian), by Luciano Rondanini

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